Alternative cancer information from credible sources


We get frequent calls from people whose animals have just been diagnosed with cancer.  Some of this connection comes from direct referral from the Advanced Veterinary Center’s Oncology department and some comes from independent internet research. All people are looking for more options or tools for their animals cancer diagnosis. Some people choose to do surgery and other traditional treatments in conjunction with alternative care and some people choose to go completely with alternative treatments. Cancer brings a family journey to explore what is the best route for them. When an animal has a cancer diagnosis, so many factors come into play including the family budget both financially and with time and belief systems.

In general, addressing three aspects as a framework or structure to work within is the overview approach. One aspect is deeply exploring potential triggers or complicating drivers to opening the door for cancer to thrive. The action plan for this is to change the biological terrain in the body that allowed for the cancer to thrive. Often this allows the body to live with the cancer for a very long time with a good quality. The second aspect is addressing the immune system. The body ultimately is the healer. We can provide support or tools to the body but the ultimate keeper of the wisdom and power and connection to the life essence is the ‘body.’  Exploring the state of the immune system, including stress and then creating an action plan to address that state is key. Keeping in mind that 70%+ of the immune system is in the gut, for any real long term success with a cancer diagnosis, lifelong diet changes must be addressed. This can be a very very big hurdle to work through and much of cancer therapy is coaching in this area because often the state of the gut to allow cancer in the body in the first place is so damaged that oral support and supplementation are off the table so to speak in the beginning. The gut must be healed and keeping the animal eating is the priority.

The last and often left alone aspect is the direct elimination of the cancer from the body. Sometimes addressing the first two aspects is adequate to achieve a good quality of life for the longest time possible.  This really is opposite of traditional cancer treatment which goes after the cancer, a battle with cancer!! That approach often does not give the best quality of life for the longest period of time.

One of the best webpages that gives credible information on alternative cancer treatments is on the human side but it is the best education resource out there. This is a site dedicated to education and resource gathering on cancer and alternative options.


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