Children who live on farms are healthier!

Written by Marisa Cuellar | News-Herald Media.

From Dr. Backus: You won’t find superbugs on a farm! Surround yourself with animals and nature and use natural cleaning products in your household and on yourself. These practices are what support a healthy micro biome. This is the medicine of the future, we spent the last 100 years coming up with ways to kill bacteria, now we are developing ways to grow good healthy ecosystems of bacteria. Again, holistic medicine has the solutions to health.

Clinic enrolling mothers in farm-related immunity study

Marshfield Clinic is continuing to enroll expectant mothers in a study that could lead to progress in preventing allergies and asthma in children.

Children who grow up on farms have lower rates of allergic disease than non-farm children, said Dr. Matthew Keifer, director of the Clinic’s National Farm Medicine Center.

It’s believed that microbes found on farms with livestock stimulate stronger immune systems and make children less likely to develop allergic disease. Identifying key microbial exposures could help scientists develop treatments that prevent children from getting allergies and asthma, Keifer said.

The study seeks to enroll about 100 expectant mothers who live on farms and 100 non-farm women, all from central, western and northern Wisconsin.

Keifer said recruiting women who live on farms has been challenging because there is a smaller pool of possible participants compared to non-farm women. Research coordinators will contact women who qualify for the study and are asking those women to consider participating.

“When farmers hear about this study, their reaction sometimes is, ‘We know our kids are healthier — you don’t need a study to tell you that,'” said Dr. James Gern, principal investigator for the University of Wisconsin Asthma and Allergic Diseases Clinical Research Center. Marshfield Clinic is partnering with the UW center for the study.

Keifer said he hopes farm families will recognize they could help non-farm children by allowing researchers to learn more about what keeps them healthy.

“I believe there is a correlation between growing up on a farm and good health,” said Melissa Hanke, a Marshfield dairy farmer and married mother of two. “I think these researchers are on to something. I grew up on a dairy farm, and I don’t get sick much. My daughter had a slight cold last year, otherwise no ear infections or anything. There is some truth to letting kids play in the dirt and letting kids be kids.”

Hanke’s 5-month-old son is enrolled in the study, and her 17-month-old daughter was enrolled in the pilot phase of the study in 2013.

The pilot compared immune responses in the cord blood of healthy babies born into farming and non-farming environments. Results from the study are expected to be released in November 2014, Keifer said.

The current study will track farm children’s exposure to farm animals and farm-related microbes for two years beginning before the baby is born and measure the development of cells involved in immunity and resistance to viral respiratory illnesses. Farm families also will have environmental samples taken at their homes. Development of allergies and respiratory infections will be tracked in both farm and non-farm children.

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