The killing power of colloidal silver

From Dr. Backus: We spent the last 100 years developing antibiotics and the result is that over 65% of bacteria have created biofilms. These are the super bugs. Holistic doctors have solutions! Ozone and colloidal silver are the answer even to Ebola virus. We carry colloidal silver products, this ACS silver and medical ozone. Video says it all!

For nearly a century, bacteria-fighting drugs known as antibiotics have helped to control and destroy many of the harmful bacteria that can make us sick. But in recent decades, antibiotics have been losing their punch against some types of bacteria. In fact, certain bacteria are now unbeatable with today’s medicines. Sadly, the way we’ve been using antibiotics is helping to create new drug-resistant “superbugs.”
Superbugs are strains of bacteria that are resistant to several types of antibiotics. Each year these drug-resistant bacteria infect more than 2 million people nationwide and kill at least 23,000, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Drug-resistant forms of tuberculosis, gonorrhea, and staph infections are just a few of the dangers we now face.

Ebola is a disease of humans and other mammals caused by an ebolavirus. Signs and symptoms typically start between two days and three weeks after contracting the virus, with a fever, sore throat, muscle pain and headaches. Then, vomiting, diarrhea and rash usually follows, along with decreased function of the liver and kidneys. Around this time, infected people may begin to bleed both within the body and externally. Death, if it occurs, is typically six to sixteen days after symptoms appear and is often due to low blood pressure from fluid loss.

The virus may be acquired upon contact with blood or other body fluids of an infected human or other animal. Airborne transmission has not been documented in the natural environment. Fruit bats are believed to be the normal carrier in nature, able to spread the virus without being affected. Humans become infected by contact with the bats or a living or dead animal that has been infected by bats. Once human infection occurs, the disease may spread between people as well. Male survivors may be able to transmit the disease via semen for nearly two months. To diagnose EVD, other diseases with similar symptoms such as malaria, cholera and other viral hemorrhagic fevers are first excluded. Blood samples are tested for viral antibodies, viral RNA, or the virus itself to confirm the diagnosis.

With the end of antibiotics clearly in sight, what can you do to boost your immune system? Many people propose that Colloidal Silver is the answer. Well, they are on the right track. There is only one silver supplement that has been proven to be safe and effective.

ACS 200 Extra Strength achieves 99.9999% (complete) kill against Borrelia burgdorferi, Legionella pneumophila, Pseudomonas
aeruginosa, Salmonella bongori, Candida albicans and MRSA as proven via independently derived in vitro, kill-time studies.


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